Call in the professionals.

If you're considering a portrait update, you make have asked yourself the following question:

Should I get my hair and makeup done for my headshot update?

My answer will almost always be YES.

If you're in the business of self-promotion because you're self-employed (hello and welcome, I am too), hair and makeup done by a professional can make a big difference to the quality of your portfolio. Now, if you're a dab hand with your brushes, all good, I won't insist. And I understand budgets can be tight sometimes.

Consider this though: portrait sessions with me aren't like the profile pic shoot you've had at work, or your VTNZ visit, or that trip to the chemist to get your passport photo updated (although good grief THE PRESSURE to have a photo you like for the next ten years!). Like your ID photos, your portraits and headshots are going to do a lot of work for you and if you get em right, they'll last you a couple of years (definitely not ten though).

Think about where you're going to put these images: LinkedIn, your internal comms, email signature, About page, the list can go on and on, especially if you're in business for yourself. Even if you're currently with an organisation, you probably have a single image which is representing you everywhere you're engaged online. It's doing some heavy lifting for you while you sleep (or scroll LinkedIn lol).

That little profile pic disc is SO important these days and it's worth investing time and money in.

Quite apart from how essential it is to have a striking, engaged image of yourself wherever you're working online, the experience of having your photo taken can be significant too. It may mark a milestone or transition for you. A portrait session in my studio can be transformative, it's an opportunity for self-care and honouring.

I take my work seriously and I hold you lightly. I make sure I work with makeup artists who understand the threshold experience that a portrait shoot can be. They spend a relaxed hour and half+ with you, they have a wealth of experience, and they will stay on for touch-ups and hair changes if you like. They're worth investing in.

And you know, sometimes it's just really nice to add HMU into your shoot because it makes it into a special occasion - sometimes it even feels like a party in my studio - especially if you elect to have the artist with us for the shoot. The three of us bounce ideas and laughs off each other - it's joyful work.

When you're drawing up your portrait upgrade budget, you'll be look at allocating around $250 for a "style & go" option (which may be at the artist's home), up to $450 or so for a half day (where the whole thing will happen at mine).

Even if you're great at doing your own face, having a pro on the hair tools is worth its weight in dry shampoo. It IS nice to give the whole job to someone else, though. Let go a little while you open up to the portrait process. This truly could be a treat-yo'self occasion. You may as well make the most of it.

Push the boat out.

Go the whole hog.

Throw yourself a party in my studio (I'll supply the cake and coffee).

If you have any questions or would like to have a chat about a potential shoot, get in touch.

I'm never far from my phone (addicted but whatever) and I'd love to work with you.